The objective of the NIDHI-Seed Support System (NIDHI-SSS) is to ensure timely availability of the seed support i.e. up to Rs. 1 Crore, to the incubatee startups. For more information, visit www.nidhi-prayas.org
The objective of the NIDHI-Seed Support System (NIDHI-SSS) is to ensure timely availability of the seed support i.e. up to Rs. 1 Crore, to the incubatee startups. For more information, visit www.nidhi-prayas.org
It mainly focuses in funding up to Rs. 50 Lakhs to Healthcare start-ups. For more information, visit www.pidiip-fitt-iitd.in
To promote technology through incubation support. For more information, visit www.msme.gov.in
BIRAC validates the potential start-up proposals and provides mentoring to convert it into working company. It funds upto Rs. 50 Lakhs. For more information, visit www.birac.nic.in
TIDE aims to strengthen institutions' Technology Incubation Centers and help young entrepreneurs. For more information, visit www.meity.gov.in
It provides seed support to technology business incubators. For more information, visit www.tdb.gov.in